LVD’s tube cutting machines are designed for high production tube fabrication. They provide efficient processing of round, rectangular, square or other standard tube profiles at optimal speeds using a fiber laser. The integration of leading-brand components assures you of top performance and high reliability. Machines are engineered for quick set up of different tube sizes and built for ease of service and maintenance.
Automatic set-up and run
Round, rectangular, square and other profiles are standard
Standard components for easy service and maintenance
Random standard length
7-position magazine feed
2kW resonator
CADMAN-T programming software
Bundle feed
Seam detection system
Outfeed conveyor system
Automated nesting for best utilization of materials
CADMAN-T embedded advanced programming software
Anche con il tradizionale lavoro laser potete contare su Van Eycken. Mettiamo a vostra disposizione i nostri avanzati servizi di taglio laser su lastre, alimentati dal potente platenlaser FinPower L6.
Questa macchina affidabile porta la lavorazione delle lastre a nuove vette, con la capacità di tagliare e sagomare con precisione lastre fino a 15 mm di spessore. La potenza impressionante del nostro L6, alimentato da un laser al CO2 da 4 kW, vi offre la possibilità di massimizzare i vostri progetti. Oltre alla flessibilità di incidere numeri unici sui pezzi, dando a voi il controllo sull'identificazione dei vostri componenti.
Presso il nostro laboratorio, i vostri pezzi possono essere ulteriormente lavorati con levigatura meccanica e smusso dei bordi, eliminando la necessità di lavorazioni successive e consentendoci di offrire una soluzione completa per i vostri progetti.
Scoprite la versatilità dei nostri servizi laser e il pieno supporto che offriamo.
La soudure par ultrasons permet l’assemblage d’éléments en matière synthétique à l’aide de vibrations ultrasons.
Une fonte locale des éléments synthétiques fait apparaître un assemblage permanent, invisible et de qualité supérieure.
Cette technique est rapide, extrêmement précise, applicable sur des formes complexes et ne requiert aucun adjuvant.
Nous intervenons pour la construction et le placement de votre nouvelle citerne à mazout aérienne en cave ou en extérieur.
Qu'elle soit simple, double parois ou avec un bac de rétention, nous trouvons pour vous la solution idéal pour votre installation.
Nous travaillons avec des aciers premiers choix et sur mesure en fonction de la situation.
TL 8525 is a high-capacity tube laser cutting machine designed for top productivity. It handles lengths up to 8500 mm and diameters up to 250 mm round or square. The TL 8525 comes equipped with leading-edge features, including a 45-degree tilt-axis cutting head with NC-Focus, 6-position front loader, 2 kW IPG fiber laser, and a large X-axis cutting head range of 1190 mm to maximize material usage.
Accommodates tube and profile lengths up to 8500 mm, diameters up to 250 mm
High-performance cutting head with NC-Focus and bevel function +/- 45 degrees
Magazine style 6-position automatic tube load system
Leading edge detection for variable tube lengths
Automatic bow detection and compensation system
Automatic twist compensation system
Outfeed tube support with accompanying conveyor table
Siemens CNC control is PC-based with touchscreen
4 kW fiber laser source
6100 mm outfeed extension
Part evacuation conveyor
Automatic weld seam detection
Nous intervenons dans le placement de votre nouvelle citerne enterrée.
Qu'elle soit simple ou double parois, de toutes capacités.
Grace à nos engins de génie civile nous sommes complètement autonome pour ce type d'intervention.
La chambre de visite est soudée sur le corps de la citerne, ce qui garanti l'étanchéité des accessoires.
Les citernes sont, après grenaillage, recouverte d'une résine polyuréthane à deux composants résistants à une épreuve diélectrique de 10.000 Volt (revêtement ECO)
Subcontractor in cnc sheetmetal.
Located in Belgium and north-Macedonia.
Offering full service, from laser/puncing, bending,welding,turning/milling,sand blading wet and power painting. Iso9001 iso14001, 15085,1090
MOVit Warehouse Automation System (WAS) provides the ultimate in automatic material storage and retrieval with a customizable number of tower storage units beginning with a minimum of four towers, in a single or double row configuration. WAS keeps sheets in continuous flow for uninterrupted production and full lights-out operation, and can be connected to multiple laser cutting machines.
Allows full lights-out production for high productivity
Can feed multiple lasers
Customizable number of towers, starting at a minimum of four towers
Highly reliable automated production
Direct unload station
Input/Output (I/O) station
Simple output station
Extended output station
Available for Phoenix and Electra series (WAS 3015 and WAS 4020)
Pinces à souder, Type ST
Soudeuse de table avec support de film intégré et pistolet de rétraction PR à deux vitesses
ST 450:Seal lenght 450 mm
ST 600:Seal lenght 600 mm
ST 800:Seal lenght 800 mm
Travaux de soudure : résistance optimale
Toujours dans un souci de proposer un service plus complet à nos clients, notre entreprise effectue des travaux de soudure, comme :
-des soudures électriques par résistance de fils sur plages
-la brasure de composants sur circuits imprimés…
Besoin d’une solution pour des travaux de soudure ? Bénéficiez de l’expertise de L’Atelier et demandez votre devis en ligne !
The C CHILL 5 has a flexible double-layer curtain with integrated air mattress (U = 4,08 W/m².K) to reduce conductive temperature loss through the curtain. The sides of the curtain have additional sealing flaps for an enhanced peripheral closing in the vertical side guides.
In spite of being installed in a temperature controlled environment, the C CHILL 5 doors can be equipped with windows. The transparent materials allow people to see oncoming traffic. Long-term transparency is assured, as the materials are antifatigue and treated against UV and creep.
Maximum height:H 4.500 mm
Maximum width:W 4.000 mm
Opening speed:up to 0.8 m/s
Closing speed:up to 0.8 m/s